Hydro Mousse™

Go From Seed To Sod Just Like The Pros!

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5 Simple Steps to Ensure your Lawn will Become Lush & Green

Step 1: Prepare The Area Before Planting

  • Remove debris or dead grass.
  • Loosen the top layer of soil.
  • Water the area to increase the soil moisture level.

Step 2: Practice Makes Perfect

  • With all new inventions and products, there is a learning curve. We suggest you water your lawn with the Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn canister first to get a feel for how it works.
  • With an empty canister, connect the nozzle to the canister and your garden hose and simply water your lawn.

Step 3: Know Your Coverage Area

  • The Hydro Mousse System comes with enough seed and additive to treat 100 square feet; that’s a 10 foot by 10 foot area. Most people are fixing multiple areas, so make sure you have enough seed to cover that amount of area. If not, it’s not too late. Order Hydro Mousse refills to increase your coverage area at hydromousserefills.com.

Step 4: Planting Time

  • Pour the entire bag of grass seed and Mousse Additive into the canister.
  • With the dial in the off position, connect the hose and turn on the water.
  • Turn the dial to “light seed,” and fill the canister ¾ full of water, then turn the water off for at least 30 seconds to allow proper coating of the seeds.
  • When you’re ready, turn the water back on and start seeding the area you want to treat.
  • Turn the unit on/off as you move through your lawn.

Step 5: Watering And Growing Your New Lawn

  • Water your newly seeded area 2-3 times a day, keeping the soil moist for the first 14 days.
  • It takes between 7-14 days for the seeds to germinate and up to 30 days for full growth coverage.
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Order Hydro Mousse™ Today!

Order your Hydro Mousse™ Kit for just $19.95 plus $7.95 S&H and we will send you double the grass seed absolutely free! That's enough for 200 spots or 100 square feet.

Or you have the option to order our Hydro Mousse™ Pro Kit with double the grass seed absolutely free and an additional 4 Hydro Mousse™ refill bags for the low price of $79.80 plus $29.95 S&H as an added BONUS you will receive a 5th refill bag absolutely FREE! That's a $27.90 value for FREE!

Additional shipping and handling charges apply for shipments to non-continental US ($10 per order).

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