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"The Northeast as you know had a record snow fall this winter, however April and May rainfall has been far below normal. I have not used this product for feer that restricted water use maybe imposed."
- Kevin J.
"Works Great and easy to use. took me no time for a great lawn."
- Roman H.
"I saw the Hydro Mousse advertisement on television, I thought it might be too good to be true. I live in the Dallas, TX area and a healthy lawn is almost impossible. I took the leap of fate, ordered the kit and am still amazed how well it works and what a beautiful backyard I have now as a result of Hydro Mousse"
- Heather K.
"Hydromousse worked great for us. We used it to plant new grass in a big, bare spot in our yard. It worked wonderfully. The new grass looks good."
- Susan A.
"I love your product. made my lawn look great."
- Louise J.
"I used Hydro Mouse in the fall on a section of lawn where I removed a garden. I seeded the area first, then used the Hydro Mouse mixture as a topping and did not use hay to protect the area. The lawn grew in fully and quickly. I will use Hydro Mouse again this year."
- Tim D.
"Seemed as if it didn't work, then BAM!! I was so wrong! Grass grew in thick and quick! Great product!"
- Dave S.
"I have a rockydirt yard and where I used u product it's is green. we have tried everything and in over 30yrs we now have a green front yard. we will be buying more for our back yard where kids play."
- Kimberly
"We used the product late in the summer last year and we didn't think it was going to work. We were wrong! It is the greenest part of our yard. It started to green up late this winter and is gorgeous! The spots under the trees look amazing."
- Carmen
"It seemed tooo easy - but it worked great! We used it last year, and this year, almost every area we used it on has filled in. We had a mess to deal with, and were certain re-sodding was 100% needed. It wasn't! We are good to go! Lush Lawn this year now! THANK YOU"
- Rory R.
"I purchased the Hydro Mousse last year. Nothing else had worked so I thought I would give Hydro Mousse a chance. The grass had been destroyed by someone dripping gasoline on the grass. Nothing would grow in this spot. I followed the directions for Hydro Mousse and did not see any signs of grass. Then, about two weeks later, I saw a couple of blades which turned into many more in just a few days. A year later, that spot is thick and doing better than some other spots. I have just used it on a section that had been covered all winter and when uncovered all the grass had died. It's been two weeks now and the grass is beginning to peak up. Some blades are already three inches tall. Needless to say, I think I like Hydro Mousse. I will probably need to purchase more before the season ends."
- Tanya C.
"This product was great. The application was easy and fast and I have beautiful grass in my backyard. I do plan on using it again."
- Cheryl W.